Big Daily Update

Think it’s about time for a Big Daily Update. Things have been difficult since my grandmother’s funeral last Thursday. I was too upset to sleep that night. Understandably this caused all kinds of havoc with my sleeping pattern and now I don’t have anything resembling a sleeping pattern. I have been thinking a lot about her, about my mother and grandfather, and about death in general which is not good for me. I have been crying a lot more frequently which is also a bad sign. It has been raining and miserable all day long, and due to crazy sleeping I didn’t make it out for a walk at all. Instead, I attempted to watch Shakespeare in Love for the fourth time, but struggled as it didn’t hold my attention. My mind tends to wander off to darker things when I try to watch television. Ate reheated vegetables (not very nice) and ice cream with tinned apricots (tastier). Mood is also being fickle. Depression remains a constant, however it was much more severe earlier today. In fact, it was so severe I could barely speak. Sometimes it seems to follow that pattern – worse in the morning, slightly better in the evening. Or perhaps it improved after I had more sleep.

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