Hello Blog

This has been a long hiatus, so here’s an update!

Family news:

-Grandad turns 100 next month. His birthday party had to be cancelled due to the ‘rona, but he’s not that bothered. He’s perfectly happy to zoom about on his mobility scooter and eat some cake.

-Dad is ill, but we don’t know why. He had an MRI and is waiting to hear from the neurologist. I am impatient because it seems as though he’s been waiting forever. His mystery illness is debilitating. Carers have been visiting his house.

-Cousin’s Baby continues to be utterly adorable. He’s intelligent and happy, gurgling and squishy, curious and funny. He likes pineapple upside down cake. He’s currently on holiday in Croatia (with his parents, not by himself) and I’m mega jealous.

-Mum participated in Covid-19 research by Imperial College London. The sample was taken away in a box dramatically marked ‘BIOHAZARD,’ but fortunately her test came back negative.

-Youngest Sister is back at university. Classes are online still, but she’s resumed her placements in hospital (she’s in her final year of a medical degree so there’s no escape from this requirement).

-Middle Sister has graduated this year without a ceremony. She has finally gained British Citizenship and has a letter of welcome from Priti Patel. Yikes.


My News:

-It’s a nice day – sunny and cool – but I’m missing it. Kidneys are infected and my lower back feels like a punchbag. Awaiting delivery of the antibiotics.

-I’m still stuck at home due to mum’s ‘vulnerable’ status. I don’t own a car and public transport is too risky so there aren’t many options for travel.

-Mental health got really bad around June, so I went on Citalopram. Currently taking 20mg. The main side effect seems to be a generally zoning out and drowsiness. I think it’s helping.

-I’ve got two possible volunteering offers: one from the local Forest Project, who’ve suggested I help them create gardens in schools. The other is with a mental health charity. Even though it’s not paid work I’ll be glad to do something useful after so long lounging around at home.